success, Visualizing Success

Success is Not A Straight Road

Success. A word that we all strive for in life. Most of us want financial success. Some of us want success in relationships; and others want success in life generally speaking. It’s a common thing that we as humans have in common.

Never give up on your dreams. Si ou vle yon bagay, then go after it. It will require you to be disciplined and extremely focused.

Success is definitely not a straight road, but rather yon route krochi. A road with bumps, detour signs and potholes. A road with fatigue, sleepless nights, and the possibility of giving up waiting on the curb. But you have the ultimate decision to make. Keep going…or go back.

There have been countless times I’ve had to take a step back and refocus, but I always end up going. Sometimes the road will lead you to a fork in the road and you have to take another route. But it’s okay…

I’ve encountered countless Fanm Kreyol entrepreneurs from poets, chefs, educators, fashion designers to models, lawyers, activists and program creators. These are just a few that I have had a chance to meet with. One thing these women have in common, is their willingness to be different. To think outside the box and not part of the ordinary.


  • How do you define success?
  • How will you know that you have achieved success?
  • Are your goals for success in your life definite?


Take some time to reflect on these questions and begin to make purposeful steps towards your future!

Be Successful!


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