It’s A Woman’s World

From the Founder’s Corner:
God’s child. Mother. Wife. Friend. Occupational Therapist. Entrepreneur. These and many more are what describe me. However, what connects them all, is the success I strive for in each; just like the many women in our world today.
I’ve dreamed. I’ve tried and failed. I’ve researched and studied; I came to the realization that success is what you define it to be and what is achievable as long as you have the desire for it.
My mindset as a woman has evolved into something so powerful, that I now know only I can truly limit myself. My faith in God and my will to succeed fuels me to better myself each day and to live in a way that brings glory to God. I’ve learned, on this journey called life, that every experience is an opportunity to learn and to grow.
Growing up I’d always hear people say that the mind is a terrible thing to waste. Although I understood what it meant, I limited it to academics; education taught in school. I know that the mind is what guides our emotions, it is what allows us to plan, to do and to decide. It is the very thing that will propel you up the stairs to success and down the elevator towards defeat. Being Haitian-American has taught me that surviving is a must in a world that is ready to tear you down. It has taught me to be resilient and strong in any situation; even if I have to break down and cry. That’s all part of being a woman.
This thing called success is bigger than what we can see. It’s what we cannot see; what lies in the future; what steps we must take in order to achieve success. Success is whatever you want it to be.  As long as you are striving to be the best you there is, then you are on a great path towards success.
What I found amongst successful women from all races and ethnicities worldwide, is that hard work, determination, persistence, focus and a burning desire is what propels you towards success.
For the women living in Haiti, these characteristics are true to their accomplishments in their communities, relationships and businesses. I see it on the streets of Port-de-Prince as vendors selling fruits and vegetables. I see it in the bright early hours of the morning in Marigot, where women are the first to get up and prepare breakfast and lunch for the family before they begin their days in the mountainside. I see it in the quick prayers for their children before sending them off to school in the streets of Port-de-Paix.
I see it in my mother’s eyes as she goes to work. I see it in young women who create lanes for themselves and then dominate, creating massive success for themselves and their communities.
It’s not a mystery that Haitian-American women are hard workers and persistent in achieving success. They are the ultimate go-getters, because they have a lineage of go-getters who claimed victory and success against an oppressive system.
As I go on my journey towards success, I want other Haitian-American women to do the same; strive for the successful jobs, relationships, businesses, legacies and more. Do what it is that makes YOU happy. Be the person you were intended to be.
FANM KREYOL. Use this platform as a way to educate, empower and uplift yourself through the stories told by women like you. Use the information provided to become the successful women you were intended to be. Use the skills learned and master them to create a successful life that you deserve. Period.
From one Fanm Kreyol to another,
Peace & Blessings,
Philipians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”